Christmas Lights 1st December 2023
Once again this year The Square was packed for the turning on of the Christmas lights. Carols were sung whilst awaiting the arrival of Father Christmas and the big switch on. Father Christmas moved on to his grotto at Emsworth Slipper Sailing Club to meet the younger members of the community.
Meanwhile those who had parked in the Palmers Road
car parkas they walked to the Square found Emsworth Baptist
Christmas Lane -Christmas
lights and music playing. The Church
trailer, served
delicious specialty coffee, mulled (non-alcoholic) wine, hot
chocolate, and tasty pulled pork baps with apple sauce.
right by a warm fire
pit Activities for kids and families .karaoke featuring all
your favourite Christmas songs, photo opportunities in
festive nativity costumes and
free gift for every child and young person.
Photos: Grainne Rason, Richard Kennett, Lucy Lawrence and
Emsworth Baptist Church