The History of Southbourne, West Sussex a
New Website
This website,,
is under
construction and will be added to over the next few months,
probably years as I gradually upload what I have
accumulated. I'm a hoarder so I have loads.
Following the publication of the first Southbourne Pictorial
History book in 2010, when people knew I was interested, I
have been given lots of photos, articles and personal
stories so that my computer is full of local history and
this was beginning to worry me.
Although I have given many, many books away to local
schools and shared quite a bit of our history with the
Records Office and Libraries, what will happen to all the
stuff on my computer when I pop my clogs?
Well, as I am 80 in January, this isn't too far away so my
birthday present to me (and to you) is the Southbourne
History Website.
It has taken me some time and a lot of effort to get
this far, but there is now enough to share with you and the
I would add that like the book, when I had to teach myself
Publisher, learn how to scan pictures and edit them etc.,
and find out about how to publish, I have had to start from
the beginning and learn how to manage WordPress (not easy
for an oldie.)
Determined that all this stuff would not be lost I
have persevered and we now have, albeit very simple, a
history website.
One happy old lady.
The Author may be contact on 01243 371156 or by email:
Ruth Heelan December 2023