Welcome to Emsworth Online


It's all here to enjoy Emsworth

Tucked away in the south east corner of Hampshire on the shore of Chichester Harbour, Emsworth is a quiet and attractive yet vibrant and dynamic town where residents wouldn't live anywhere else and visitors can be sure of  a friendly welcome.   Emsworth is popular with sailors, artists, naturalists and walkers. The two tidal millponds to east and west are host to a variety of wildlife.

Emsworth has a long history connected with oyster fishing and boat building. Its attractive streets are lined with a mixture of architectural styles and high walled gardens and a walk around the town gives a genuine feel for the past, with exceptional harbour views. Find out More

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Emsworth is popular with sailors, artists, naturalists and walkers. The two tidal millponds to east and west are host to a variety of wildlife. Emsworth has a long history connected with oyster fishing and boat building and still boasts traditional shipwrights and chandleries. Its attractive streets are lined with a mixture of architectural styles and high walled gardens and a walk around the town gives a genuine feel for the past, with exceptional harbour views.




The information pages on this site will show you what Emsworth has to offer; how to find us; the interesting things you can do and find here; activities, restaurants, pubs and accommodation, the history of the town, where to go sailing and walking, interesting places to visit close at hand  and how you can enjoy holidays, short breaks or vacations in summer, autumn, winter and spring. Ideal situation and plenty of activities for children.

Emsworth was founded as a planned village around 1215.   Once famous for it's oyster industry,boat building and associated maritime trades it is now the haunt of artists and weekend sailors. Find out more about Emsworth's History HERE



The Coal Exchange, Emsworth


Page last updated: Monday, 03 February 2025